HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.0-00 Application Agent CLI Reference Guide

Return Values
0: Normal termination
Any value other than 0: Termination with an error
EX_DRM_TAPE_BACKUP (Backs up data such as a secondary volume to a tape
[ -exopt [ -mount_pt mount-point-directory-name ]
[ -raw ][ -force ] [ -bup_env configuration-definition-file-name ]]
The command can also be executed in the following format:
[ -mount_pt mount-point-directory-name ][ -raw]
This extended command executes the drmmount, drmmediabackup, and drmumount commands,
mounts the secondary volume at a specific mount point on the backup server, and then backs up data
from the secondary volume to a tape device. When backup to a tape device finishes, the secondary
volume that was mounted is automatically unmounted. The command also backs up the SQL Server
metafile (when the backup is of an SQL Server database) to a tape device.
When the drmmount command terminates normally, the drmumount command is executed regardless
of the drmmediabackup command result.
The prerequisites for executing this extended command are as follows:
An operation definition file linked to the specified operation ID has been provided.
Tape backup management software is used with Application Agent.
The backup ID has been stored in the backup ID file by executing the EX_DRM_DB_IMPORT ex-
tended command.
The mount point directory has been created.
Take the command retry period into consideration when you execute more than one
EX_DRM_TAPE_BACKUP command concurrently. For details about the settings, see notes on command
execution in the HP P9000 Replication Manager Software Application Agent CLI User Guide.
A character string that uniquely identifies the operation to be performed. Information in the operation
definition file corresponding to the specified operation ID is used when executing the extended
Application Agent CLI Reference Guide 41