HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.0-00 Application Agent CLI Reference Guide

Basic command specifications (File system backups)
drmfsbackup (Backs up a file system to a secondary volume)
To perform an online backup:
drmfsbackup { mount-point-directory-name | mount-point-directory-target-definition-file-name }
[ -mode online ]
[ -rc [ name-identifying-the-generation ]] [ -pf copy-parameter-definition-file ]
[ -comment backup-comment ]
[ -script user-script-file-name ]
[ -s backup-server-name
[ -auto_import
[ -auto_mount [ mount-point-directory-name ]]
[ -svol_check ]
To perform a cold backup:
drmfsbackup { mount-point-directory-name | mount-point-directory-target-definition-file-name }
-mode cold
[ -rc [ name-identifying-the-generation ]] [ -pf copy-parameter-definition-file ]
[ -comment backup-comment]
[ -script user-script-file-name]
[ -s backup-server-name
[ -auto_import
[ -auto_mount [ mount-point-directory-name ]]
[ -svol_check ]
To perform a VSS backup:
drmfsbackup { mount-point-directory-name | mount-point-directory-target-definition-file-name }
-mode vss
[ -rc [ name-identifying-the-generation ]] [ -pf copy-parameter-definition-file ]
[ -comment backup-comment]
[ -vf VSS-definition-file-name]
[ -script user-script-file-name ]
[ -s backup-server-name
[ -auto_import
[ -auto_mount [ mount-point-directory-name ]]
[ -svol_check ]
The drmfsbackup command backs up the volume that contains the file system for the specified mount
point directory to the secondary volume. You can back up more than one file system at a time. If the
file system for the mount point directory consists of more than one volume, all the primary volumes
are backed up to secondary volumes.
Before executing this command, the following operations are needed:
All application software using the volume to be backed up must be stopped. The volume being
used by the OS cannot be backed up.
The cache of the secondary volume must be cleared. To clear the system cache, mount the secondary
volume on the backup server, and then unmount the secondary volume.
Basic commands86