Cloud bursting with HP CloudSystem Matrix infrastructure orchestration and Savvis

Provisioning in Matrix infrastructure orchestration using Savvis
The following sections describe how to create a service inside the Cloud Provider using infrastructure orchestration.
Access infrastructure orchestration designer
To access HP Matrix infrastructure orchestration designer using a browser, navigate to https://<cms-ip-
address>:51443/hpio/designer/. (Clicking New or Edit on the Templates tab in the infrastructure
orchestration console also launches the designer.)
Create a template
Drag the following icons to the components frame to create a new template in the Designer.
One or more virtual server groups. Right click the server group to configure it. On the Software tab, select the
software mapped in the file.
A virtual network. You can select any network in Matrix. Savvis allows only a single network connection for any
VM, so the VM will reside on the only available network in Savvis.
One boot disk
Up to three private data disks (optional)