HP Insight Management 7.3 Installation and Configuration Guide

during installation. Hence the table Stop order of services might not always list the current set
of services.
Table 16 Steps to stop the Insight Management (previously Insight software) services running
on an HP-UX CMS
Stop the running gWLM daemon by entering: /opt/gwlm/bin/gwlmcmsd -stop1
Stop the running Application Discovery server by entering: /opt/amgr/bin/cms_stop2
Stop HP SIM by entering: /opt/mx/bin/mxstop3
3. If your CMS has been configured to use a remote database server, back up the Insight
Management databases. Skip this step if the Insight Management database server is running
locally on the CMS.
Using the tool of your choice, perform a full backup of the Insight Management databases
installed in your configuration. The database backup must be sufficient to restore the entire
database, including schema as well as data. Consult your database backup software
documentation for specific instructions. Table 17 provides a list of the pre-7.2 Insight
Management DVD databases.
Table 17 Insight Management DVD databases
Installed on HP-UX
Installed on
YesYesInsight_v*HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM)
NoYesPMP_V*HP Insight Control performance management
NoYeshpvmmsqldbHP Insight Control virtual machine management
YesYesgwlmHP Matrix Operating Environment suite for
NoYeshpioHP Matrix infrastructure orchestration
NoYesooHP Matrix infrastructure orchestration
NoYeslsdtHP Matrix recovery management
4. Using the tool of your choice, perform a full system backup of the CMS. Consult your backup
software documentation for specific instructions.
As well, save the following files to a back up location:
C:\Program Files\HP\Matrix infrastructure
C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server Environment\conf\esa.properties
C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
86 Backing up the CMS