HP Insight Virtualization Manager with Logical Server Management 6.1 User Guide

Figure 5-4 Modify portability group screen
Adding and removing target attributes
Logical server target attributes allow you to track where a logical server has been successfully
activated or moved in the past. This gives you a greater number of most suitable targets on which
to activate or move a logical server.
You can add and remove target attributes to standard logical servers and to cross-technology
logical servers.
You can view or modify the target attributes of a logical server by selecting the logical server
and using the ModifyLogical Server Target AttributesManage... menu selection.
Figure 5-5 Modify target attributes menu
Types of target systems can be added to or removed from the logical servers target attributes.
Selecting a server from the Target Attributes Available to Add table adds that type of server with
64 Managing fluid cross-technology logical servers