HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager User Guide (T3680-96089, October 2012)

Template options
Number of components to mount. Adds commands for each component.
Suspend source before replication. Adds launch commands for interacting with an enabled
host, for example to suspend and resume host application I/O.
Launch backup after replication. Adds a launch command for interacting with an enabled
host, for example, to start a tape backup.
Use snapclone instead of snapshot. Generates a template that uses snapclone replication.
Include e-mail notification. Adds a command for e-mail notification of the job instance status.
See SetNotificationPolicy.
Tru64 UNIX. When replicating AdvFS volumes that have heavy I/O, select the option Suspend
source before replication. See Suspending I/O before replicating AdvFS volumes.
This template was generated to locally replicate and mount one host volume. No other template
options were selected.
// Replicate a host volume, and mount slices/partitions/LVs to a host.1
// Assign some variables that will be used in this job.3
$mount_host = SetVariable(%mount_host%)4
$source_host = SetVariable(%source_host%)5
$source_hostvol_unc1 = SetVariable(%source_hostvol_unc1%)6
// Validate that resources are as expected.8
ValidateHost ($mount_host)9
ValidateHostVolume ($source_hostvol_unc1)10
ValidateSnapshotHostVolume ($source_hostvol_unc1)11
$Rep1 = SnapshotHostVolume ($source_hostvol_unc1, FULLY_ALLOCATED, SAME, WAIT) onerror pauseat E1:13
// Mount the replicated volume(s) on a host.15
PresentStorageVolumes ($Rep1, $mount_host) onerror pauseat E2:16
DiscoverDiskDevices ($mount_host, $Rep1) onerror continue17
$HV1 = CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ($source_hostvol_unc1, $Rep1, $mount_host) onerror pauseat E2:18
$MP1 = MountHostVolume ($HV1, %mount_point1%) onerror pauseat E3:19
// Wait for user to initiate rollback.21
Pause ()22
216 Jobs