HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager CLI Reference (T3680-96071, June 2012)

<column>6/14/04 4:39 PM</column>
XML format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<resultcode>0 Success</resultcode>
<command>SHOW MANAGED_SET full</command>
<description>Managed set SHOW</description>
<DateCreated>10/19/05 11:43 AM</DateCreated>
The SET DR_GROUP command establishes or modifies the properties of a specified DR group.
Select an array before using this command.
set dr[_group]|drg <dr_group name>
[max_log_disk_size|mlds=<maximum log disk size (mb)>]
[na[me]=<new dr_group name>]
[ [add[_vdisk]|av=<vdisk name>]
[destination_vd[isk_name]|dvn=<destination vdisk name>]
[destination_vr[aid_level]|dvrl={raid0|raid1|raid5|raid6|same}] ]
28 CLUI commands