HP Device Manager 4.5 - Installation Guide

Log settings
HPDM Server outputs logs to a rolling file named hpdm-server.log.
Parameter Description
This parameter indicates log levels to write into the log file. The log levels in the Server
DEBUG = 1: Logs for developer debugging.
INFO = 2: Logs of running information, contain no errors.
WARN = 3: Logs with warning, something unexpected happened.
FATAL = 4: Logs of fatal errors or what must be logged, such as server start.
Setting log levels to XXX will make the Server write specified logs of no lower than XXX to
the log file. For example, when setting the log level to INFO, the Server will write INFO,
WARN, and FATAL logs since the next start.
This parameter specifies whether the log will be appended with a daily rolling. If set to
true, the following two configurations (hpdm.log.maxBackupIndex and
hpdm.log.maxFileSize) are ignored.
This parameter indicates the maximum number of log files the Server will keep.
This parameter indicates the maximum size of each log file.
This parameter indicates whether the Server should write logs about communicating with
HPDM Gateway.
This parameter indicates whether the Server should write logs about communicating with
HPDM Console.
This parameter indicates whether the Server should write logs about tasks.
This parameter indicates whether the Server should write logs about database
Cache settings
Parameter Description
This parameter indicates whether the Server should keep a cache in memory to speed up
reaction to Consoles.