HP Business Notebook Intel® vProTM setup and configuration 2011 Business Notebook Models - Technical white paper

Appendix C: Wake-On-ME explained
Wake-On-ME, also known as ME WoL, is a feature that allows the ME to go into a low power state
when it is not used. Two conditions must be met for Wake-On-ME to function.
The system is in a sleep state: S3, S4, or S5
ME On in Host Sleep State setting is set to allow ME WoL.
The system must be in a sleep state (S3, S4, or S5) for Wake-On-ME to function. If the system is
running (S5), then the ME is also running.
The ME On in Host Sleep State setting must be set to ME WoL so the ME can be put to sleep and
awaken if needed when the system is in a sleep state. The ME counts down from the amount of
time set in Idle Timeout before it will go to sleep.