HP Comware 5 Debug Manual Vol 1

Usage guidelines
Table 90 describes output fields and messages for the debugging bfd fsm command.
Table 90 Output from the debugging bfd fsm command
Pkt Sta: AdminDown, Sess Sta: AdminDown, Oper:
The incoming AdminDown packet was not processed
when the session state was AdminDown.
Pkt Sta: Down, Sess Sta: AdminDown, Oper: None
The incoming down packet was not processed when
the session state was AdminDown.
Pkt Sta: Init, Sess Sta: AdminDown, Oper: None
The incoming Init packet was not processed when the
session state was AdminDown.
Pkt Sta: Up, Sess Sta: AdminDown, Oper: None
The incoming up packet was not processed when the
session state was AdminDown.
Sess:(session information), Sta: INIT -> DOWN, Diag:
(diagnostic code of session)
After the AdminDown packet was received when the
session status was Init, the session status changed to
Pkt Sta: Down, Sess Sta: Init, Oper: Keep session state
and discard the packet
After the down packet was received when the session
status was Init, the session kept its state and discarded
the packet.
Sess(session information), Sta: INIT -> UP, Diag:
(diagnostic code of session)
After the Init packet was received when the session
status was Init, the session state changed to up.
Sess(session information), Sta: UP ->DOWN, Diag:
(diagnostic code of session)
After the AdminDown packet was received when the
session state was up, the session state changed to
Delete session
After the up session on the interface card received the
AdminDown (or down) packet, the session was
Failed to delete session
BFD failed to remove the up session after it received
the AdminDown (or down) packet.
Reset session
After the up (or Init) session on the primary card of the
centralized or distributed device received the
AdminDown (or down) packet, the session was reset.
Failed to reset session
After the up (or Init) session on the primary card of the
centralized or distributed device received the
AdminDown (or down) packet, the session was reset
but the operation failed.
# Enable BFD state machine debugging.
<Sysname> debugging bfd fsm
*Dec 31 15:13:11:868 2006 Sysname BFD/7/FSM: Sess[, Eth0/1/0, Ctrl], Sta:
UP->DOWN, Diag: 1
// Session timed out. The debugging information diagnostic code of the output state change is 1, which
indicates that the cause is session timeout.