HP Comware 5 Debug Manual Vol 1

The new user information is null in get new number
The user information of a new number was null.
Current call number is zero in getting new number
The new number obtained was 0 (no number was
available to originate a new call).
The original user information is null in setuping
new call process
Input parameter check for a new call origination: The
information of the original forwarded-to user was null.
The redirect information is null in setuping new call
Input parameter check for a new call origination: The
recent call forwarding information was null.
The new called information is null in setuping new
call process
Input parameter check for a new call origination: The
information of the called number in the new call
origination was null.
Called number is same to the local's in setuping
new call process
The called number in the new call origination was a local
Find the number correctly but doesn't match the IP
The called number was correct but the IP address did not
Failed to send setup when process the service(CF)
The new call origination failed after the SERVICE (CF)
message was processed.
Failed to send the ACCP_SETUP_ACK message in
setup new call
Call forwarding failed to send an ACCP_SETUP_ACK
message in new call setup.
Failed to send the ACCP_ALERTING message in
setup new call
Call forwarding failed to send an ACCP_ALERTING
message in new call setup.
The forward information is null in sending service
CF process
The forwarding information in the sent SERVICE(CF)
message was found null.
Failed to find entity type in CFO unsupported
The CFO failed to find the entity type in local processing.
The changed called number is null in finding voice
entity process
The called number after number substitution was null in
finding voice entities.
The changed caller number is null in finding voice
entity process
The calling number after number substitution was null in
finding voice entities.
The FEATURE service failed to obtain call
information table in finding voice entity process
Call forwarding failed to obtain the call information table
in finding voice entities.
The FEATURE service failed to obtain entity for call
in finding voice entity process
Call forwarding failed to obtain a voice entity in finding
voice entities.
The FEATURE service failed to obtain first voice
entity in finding voice entity process
Call forwarding failed to obtain the first voice entity in
finding voice entities.
Cannot find matchable entity for call in finding
voice entity process
No voice entity could be matched.
Dial peer is null in getting user info process
The dial peer was found to be null in getting user
Leg is null in recording setup's information process
The input leg was found to be null in the special
processing of the SETUP message.
Receive error message in recording setup's
information process
An ERROR message was received in the special
processing of the SETUP message.