HP Comware 5 Debug Manual Vol 1

(interface-type interface-number) from
VPN : vpnindex, Pro : protocol,
Direction : direction
(original ip: original port) ----> (new ip:
new port ).
NAT information:
interface-type interface-numberNAT applied interface.
VPNVPN with the index of vpnindex.
ProNAT protocol.
DirectionNAT direction (in/out).
original ipOriginal IP address.
original portOriginal port.
new ipIP address after NAT.
new portPort after NAT.
Alloc IPC_RPC_MSG error.
ALG failed to apply for the RPC message.
ALG receive some error IPC message!
ALG received an incorrect IPC message.
ALG send config to No.slot timeout.
ALG failed to assign the configuration to the interface card on the
specified slot.
Fail to Add Relation Table of
(original ip: original port ) ----> (new ip:
new port ).
ALG failed to create a QQ/MSN relation table.
Fail to add Relation Table of FTP
(original ip: original port ) ----> (new ip:
new port ).
ALG failed to create an FTP relation table.
Fail to Attach ALG AttachInfo .
ALG failed to attach ALG extended information.
NBT Session FSM has changed from A
to B.
The NBT session service state machine supports the following states:
NBT_READYThe connection has been established after TCP
challenge handshake, but the NBT session is not started.
NBT_WAIT_SESSION_ACKThe client is waiting for the session
response from the server.
NBT_SESSIONThe NBT session is being conducted and data is
being transmitted.
RTSP FSM has changed from A to B.
The RTSP state machine supports the following states:
RTSP_INITInitial state. The Setup packet is not sent yet.
RTSP_READYReady to transmit media streams.
RTSP_PLAYINGPlaying state.
RTSP_RECORDINGRecording state.
ILS FSM has changed from A to B.
The ILS state machine supports the following states:
ILS_WAIT_REQUESTWaiting for Request.
ILS_WAIT_RESPONSEWaiting for Response.
ILS_OPERATE_COMPLETE—An operation completed.
H.225 FSM has changed from A to B.
The H.225 state machine supports the following states:
H225_CALL_TCP_READYThe TCP connection has been
established, but Setup packet is not sent yet.
H225_CALL_DELIVEREDThe calling party sends the Setup
packet, and waits for the connect response from the peer.
H225_CALL_ACTIVEThe call is being conducted.
H225_CALL_RELEASEDThe call ends.