R3303-HP HSR6800 Routers Interface Command Reference

Table Of Contents
Use description to set the description for the POS interface.
Use undo description to restore the default.
description text
undo description
The description of a POS interface is interface name Interface, for example, Pos1/2/0 Interface.
POS interface view
Default command level
2: System level
text: Interface description, a case-sensitive character string of 1 to 240 characters. The string can include
case-sensitive letters, digits, special characters such as tilde (~), exclamation point (!), at sign (@), pound
sign (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), caret (^), ampersand sign (&), asterisk (*), left brace({), right
brace (}), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), left bracket ([), right bracket (]), left angle bracket (<),
right angle bracket (>), hyphen (-), underscore(_), plus sign (+), equal sign (=), vertical bar (|), back
slash (\), colon (:), semi-colon (;) quotation marks ("), apostrophe ('), comma (,), dot (.), and slash (/),
spaces, and other Unicode characters and symbols.
# Set the description for POS interface POS 1/1/0 to pos-interface.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface pos 1/1/0
[Sysname-Pos1/1/0] description pos-interface
display interface pos
Use display interface pos to display information about POS interfaces.
display interface [ pos ] [ brief [ down ] ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
display interface pos interface-number [ brief [ description ] ] [ | { begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]
Any view
Default command level
1: Monitor level
interface-number: Displays information about a specified POS interface.