R3303-HP HSR6800 Routers Security Command Reference

# Configure a SHA1 fingerprint for verifying the validity of the CA root certificate.
[Sysname-pki-domain-1] root-certificate fingerprint sha1
rule (PKI CERT ACP view)
Use rule to create a certificate attribute access control rule.
Use undo rule to delete one or all access control rules.
rule [ id ] { deny | permit } group-name
undo rule { id | all }
No access control rule exists.
PKI certificate access control policy view
Default command level
2: System level
id: Specifies the ID of the certificate attribute access control rule. The value range is 1 to 16, and the
default is the smallest unused number in this range.
deny: Indicates that a certificate whose attributes match an attribute rule in the specified attribute group
is considered invalid and denied.
permit: Indicates that a certificate whose attributes match an attribute rule in the specified attribute group
is considered valid and permitted.
group-name: Specifies a certificate attribute group by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 16
characters. It cannot be a, al, or all.
all: Specifies all access control rules.
Usage guidelines
A certificate attribute group must exist to be associated with a rule.
# Create an access control rule, specifying that a certificate is considered valid when it matches an
attribute rule in the certificate attribute group mygroup.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] pki certificate access-control-policy mypolicy
[Sysname-pki-cert-acp-mypolicy] rule 1 permit mygroup
Use state to specify the name of the state or province where an entity resides.
Use undo state to remove the configuration.