R3303-HP HSR6800 Routers Security Command Reference

The preferred server-to-client HMAC algorithm is sha1-96.
# Connect to server 2:5::8:9, using the following connection scheme:
The preferred key exchange algorithm is dh-group1.
The preferred server-to-client encryption algorithm is aes128.
The preferred client-to-server HMAC algorithm is md5.
The preferred server-to-client HMAC algorithm is sha1-96.
<Sysname> sftp ipv6 2:5::8:9 prefer-kex dh-group1 prefer-stoc-cipher aes128
prefer-ctos-hmac md5 prefer-stoc-hmac sha1-96
Input Username:
ssh client authentication server
Use ssh client authentication server on the client to configure the host public key of the specified server
so that the client can determine whether the server is trustworthy.
Use undo ssh client authentication server to remove the configuration.
ssh client authentication server server assign publickey keyname
undo ssh client authentication server server assign publickey
No host public key of a server is configured. When the client logs into a server, it uses the IP address or
host name of the server as the public key name.
System view
Default command level
2: System level
server: IP address or name of the server, a string of 1 to 80 characters.
assign publickey keyname: Specifies the name of the host public key of the server, a string of 1 to 64
Usage guidelines
If the client does not support first-time authentication, it will reject unauthenticated servers. In this case,
you need to configure the public keys of the servers and specify the mappings between public keys and
servers on the client, so that the client uses the correct public key of a server to authenticate the server.
The specified host public key of the server must already exist.
# Configure the public key of the server at to be key1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ssh client authentication server assign publickey key1