R3303-HP HSR6800 Routers Security Command Reference

zlib-openssh: Specifies the compression algorithm ZLIB@openssh.com.
prefer-ctos-cipher: Specifies the preferred client-to-server encryption algorithm. The default is aes128.
3des: Specifies the encryption algorithm 3des-cbc. This keyword is not available in FIPS mode.
aes128: Specifies the encryption algorithm aes128-cbc.
aes256: Specifies the encryption algorithm aes256-cbc. This keyword is not available in non-FIPS
des: Specifies the encryption algorithm des-cbc. This keyword is not available in FIPS mode.
prefer-ctos-hmac: Specifies the preferred client-to-server HMAC algorithm. The default is sha1-96.
md5: Specifies the HMAC algorithm hmac-md5. This keyword is not available in FIPS mode.
md5-96: Specifies the HMAC algorithm hmac-md5-96. This keyword is not available in FIPS mode.
sha1: Specifies the HMAC algorithm hmac-sha1.
sha1-96: Specifies the HMAC algorithm hmac-sha1-96.
prefer-kex: Specifies the preferred key exchange algorithm. In non-FIPS mode, the default is
dh-group-exchange. In FIPS mode, the default is dh-group14.
dh-group-exchange: Specifies the key exchange algorithm diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1.
This keyword is not available in FIPS mode.
dh-group1: Specifies the key exchange algorithm diffie-hellman-group1-sha1. This keyword is not
available in FIPS mode.
dh-group14: Specifies the key exchange algorithm diffie-hellman-group14-sha1.
prefer-stoc-cipher: Specifies the preferred server-to-client encryption algorithm. The default is aes128.
prefer-stoc-hmac: Specifies the preferred server-to-client HMAC algorithm. The default is sha1-96.
Usage guidelines
When the client's authentication method is publickey, the client must get the local private key for digital
signature. In non-FIPS mode, because the publickey authentication uses either RSA or DSA algorithm, you
must specify the public key algorithm of the client (by using the identity-key keyword) to get the correct
local private key.
In non-FIPS mode, the default algorithms are as follows:
The algorithm for publickey authentication is dsa.
The preferred client-to-server encryption algorithm is aes128.
The preferred client-to-server HMAC algorithm is sha1-96.
The preferred key exchange algorithm is dh-group-exchange.
The preferred server-to-client encryption algorithm is aes128.
The preferred server-to-client HMAC algorithm is sha1-96.
In FIPS mode, the default algorithms are as follows:
The algorithm for publickey authentication is rsa.
The preferred client-to-server encryption algorithm is aes128.
The preferred client-to-server HMAC algorithm is sha1-96.
The preferred key exchange algorithm is dh-group14.
The preferred server-to-client encryption algorithm is aes128.
The preferred server-to-client HMAC algorithm is sha1-96.