R3303-HP HSR6800 Routers Security Command Reference

Wildcard Meanin
Matches parameters ending with
the keyword
It can be present once at the end of
a filtering entry.
& Stands for one valid character
It can be present multiple times at
any position of a filtering entry,
consecutively or inconsecutively,
and cannot be used next to an
asterisk (*). If it is present at the
beginning or end of a filtering
entry, it must be next to a caret (^)
or a dollar sign ($).
Stands for up to 4 valid characters
including spaces
It can be present once in the middle
of a filtering entry.
When using the wildcards, also follow the principles below:
A filtering entry with a caret (^) at the beginning or a dollar sign ($) at the end indicates an exact
match. For example, filtering entry ^webfilter$ matches website addresses containing standalone
webfilter, like www.abc.com/webfilter any. It does not match website addresses like
A filtering entry with neither a caret (^) at the beginning nor a dollar sign ($) at the end indicates
a fuzzy match, and matches website addresses containing the keyword.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any parameters, the undo firewall http url-filter parameter command will remove all
URL parameter filtering entries in the list.
The device supports a maximum of 256 URL parameter filtering entries, including the default ones.
You cannot specify the same URL filtering entries as the default ones in command firewall http url-filter
parameter keywords or undo firewall http url-filter parameter keywords.
# Add select to the parameter filtering entry list.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] firewall http url-filter parameter keywords select
Related commands
display firewall http url-filter parameter
firewall http url-filter parameter enable
Use firewall http url-filter parameter enable to enable the URL parameter filtering function.
Use undo firewall http url-filter parameter enable to disable the URL parameter filtering function.
firewall http url-filter parameter enable
undo firewall http url-filter parameter enable
The URL parameter filtering function is disabled.