HP Integrated Archive Platform Managing Repositories and Retention Whitepaper

Figure 19: Editing Domain Retention Period
Once the new retention period has been selected, click the Save Retention Now! button. The
retention period must be longer than the Domain Retention Period defined in the Domain.jcml. If
you attempt to choose a retention period shorter than the period currently defined for the Domain
Retention Period in the Domain.jcml, the function fails when saved. Enabling or disabling retention
for a domain overrides the -1 setting in the Domain.jcml. Enabling retention though the PCC with a
Domain Retention Period not defined (e.g., a setting of -1 in the Domain.jcml) could result in a
retention period of 30 days and the possible deletion of items older than 30 days.
Modifying Repository Retention through the PCC
Setting the retention period for individual repositories is performed by double-clicking on the domain
name under “List of Domain(s)” in Figure 17. This displays a list of repositories associated with that
domain. Repositories are grouped by type and listed under the tabs:
Other Types
Individual Repository Retention Periods can be modified via the PCC Retention Page:
Initial value is assigned at creation based on type and default value per type.
Default values exist only for regulated/unregulated repository types.
Default value for type serves as minimum value for modifications via the PCC.
The default value can be increased or decreased using the Domain.jcml.
Setting the value to a period lower than the Domain Retention Period has no effect since the
Domain Retention Period overrides this setting.
The PCC can be used to increase or decrease the Repository Retention Period providing the
value is greater than the retention period defined in the Domain.jcml for the type of
repository being edited.
In Figure 20 below, the Repository Retention Period for all repositories of a particular type (regulated
or unregulated) can be increased or decreased using the Domain.jcml. The new value must be