How to Resync Ibrix Quotas when DU and Ibrix_Edquota Do Not Match

Title: How to resync Ibrix quotas when du and ibrix_edquota does not match
Note: All steps for quota check are performed from the Fusion Manager. (Run parallelly or
==== Sample scripted steps to do a recommended parallel quota check
1. Stop nfs or samba on the servers [if necessary], then Unmount the file system from the FM:
#/usr/local/ibrix/bin/ibrix_umount -f ifs1
note: ssh to each server make sure a "mount" and/or a "df" does not return ifs1 as mounted and
any server!
2. Before executing the quotachecks we recommend restarting the Fusion Manager and then
quotamonitor to ensure clean process slate for quotachecks.
#/etc/init.d/ibrix_fusionmanager restart
when Fusion manger restarts, then restart quota monitor
#/usr/local/ibrix/init/ibrix_qm restart
3. Spawn the programs on the server[s] owning segments in a shell script executed from the FM,
using the following lines:
note: from your ibrix_fs -i output it appears that only ibrixss1 owns the ibfs1 segments so this is
even easier as we are only running this on one server.
ssh ibrixss1 "/usr/local/ibrix/bin/ibrix_quotacheck -u -g -v -D -Z /dev/ivg1/ilv1 >/tmp/qc_lv1 2>&1
ssh ibrixss1 "/usr/local/ibrix/bin/ibrix_quotacheck -u -g -v -D -Z /dev/ivg2/ilv2 >/tmp/qc_lv2 2>&1
4. You can monitor completion of the above ibrix_quotacheck programs:
for ssh -z -s "ps -elf | grep quotacheck | grep -v grep"
5. From the Fusion Manager Mount the ifs1 file system and synchronize quotas with the following
command sequence:
#/usr/local/ibrix/bin/ibrix_mount -f ifs1 -m /ifs1 <---------- insert FS mount point if different
note: go to the servers make sure the FS is mounted and accessible!
Once FS is mounted run the following sequence of commands from your Fusion Manager:
#/usr/local/ibrix/bin/ibrix_quotamonitor sethostflags -K -k
#/usr/local/ibrix/bin/ibrix_quotamonitor syncnow
#/usr/local/ibrix/bin/ibrix_quotamonitor syncnow
#/usr/local/ibrix/init/ibrix_qm status <-----just make sure quota monitor is running! if not run
/usr/local/ibrix/init/ibrix_qm start
6. To ensure quotas stay consistant we have found the following "insurance policy" to be helpful
at other sites.
A. On the FM touch a file named = ""
B. edit the file and add the following line to it
/usr/local/ibrix/init/ibrix_qm restart

Summary of content (2 pages)