Ignite-LUX: Management and Integration of Ignite-UX Software on a Server Running Linux

CMS software should generally only look for the Ignite-UX messages: ERROR, WARNING, CAUTION,
NOTE, PHASE, and *. Ignite-UX messages indicated by the * character are also known as “OTHER
The OTHER type messages indicate installation or recovery processing.
If present, PHASE messages will match client_status values. For example:
PHASE: Build_Kernel Complete
CMS software may do processing based on the type and number of messages. However, CMS software
should not implement any functionality that recognizes specific messages.
Longer Ignite-UX messages might be continued on subsequent install.log file lines.
Example install.log file content:
* Configuring RAM filesystems...
NOTE: Ignite-UX will use NFS for loadfile.
* Number of SAS devices swapped to be in physical location order: 1
* Scanning system for IO devices...
* Boot device is: 0/1/2/0
* Bringing up Network (lan0)
add net default: gateway
* NFS mounting source /opt/ignite/data directory.
* NFS mounting source /var/opt/ignite/data directory.
* Reading configuration information from server...
* NFS mounting clients directory.
* Using client directory: /var/opt/ignite/clients/0x0017A4AB4449
NOTE: Ignite-UX is ready to install the client. Start the installation from
the "ignite" user interface using the menu: "Action" -> "Install
client" -> "New Install"
NOTE: Starting install without a client specific config file, all defaults
will be used.
* Checking configuration for consistency...
ERROR: The version of HP-UX you have chosen to install on the system
(B.11.23) is not supported by the version of the Ignite-UX install
kernel that the system booted (B.11.31). You will need to reboot the
target system from an install kernel matching the desired release from
the menu at the console. If using the bootsys command, use the '-R'
option to specify the install kernel version.
WARNING: The disk at: 0/1/1/0:SAS:ENC1:BAY07 (HP_DG072ABAB3) appears to contain
a file system and boot area. Continuing the installation will destroy
any existing data on this disk.
WARNING: The root password has not been set. If you wish to set the root
password now, return to the System tab and do so. Not setting the
root password is considered a security risk. Since the hostname for
the system has already been set, set_parms will not run during the
initial boot process. If you do not set the root password now, you
will need to wait until the system completes its boot process and
either set the root password directly or with sam(1M).