Ignite-LUX: Management and Integration of Ignite-UX Software on a Server Running Linux

Warning: It is common for certain Ignite-UX WARNING messages to be issued during a normal installation,
such as for disks already having recognized file system content.
Client-Specific File: io.info
The io.info file is created as a result of the system inventory done during Ignite-UX client boot.
The io.info file should be used to get any system I/O inventory details. For example, it may be used to
determine the identifiers and sizes of disk devices to be presented in a CMS UI for user selection. After
selection in the CMS UI, the identifier values for selected disks may be used in Ignite-UX config file content
to control installation.
This file includes records of type: file version, comments, field names, and inventory data. Field name
records should be used to parse inventory data so CMS software will be able to cope with possible future
format changes. The file version number will change when there is a format change.
Comment lines start with a ‘#’ character. Other record lines have a specific record type label at the start of
the line prior to the ‘:‘ character. Record fields are separated by a space character. Special characters in
field values are escaped using the ‘\’ character. The character sequence ‘[\]‘ is used to indicate there is
no value for the field (a null value).
The file version record (io.info) includes the specific file format version. In this example it is 2.1:
io.info: 2.1 B.11.31 C.7.9.140
If the Ignite-UX server content has been updated, it is possible that io.info content from a prior
installation uses a format that is not recognized by CMS software. If parsing has any issues with the
io.info version, the best approach is to remove all *.info files. These inventory files will be recreated
during Ignite-UX install environment boot on the client system.
Each io.info file will include *_fields records that describe all the various inventory data records that
are supported by the io.info file format. These records indicate the order and meaning of field values in
associated inventory data records. CMS software doing io.info file parsing must use *_fields records
to correctly process inventory data to provide a robust method for data processing.
# cat io.info
io.info: 2.1 B.11.31 C.7.9.140
# Created: Sat Apr 4 15:59:56 2009
OO_fields: hw_path instance driver model state_flags
diskid_fields: unique_name wwid phys_loc c_major b_major minor c_device b_device
state_flags instance driver model capacity format usage alias device_id performance
device_type lun_hw_path
diskp_fields: unique_name wwid c_major b_major minor c_device b_device state_flags
instance driver hw_path protocol locality priority leg_driver leg_hw_path
escsi_ctlr_fields: hw_path instance driver model state_flags
ext_bus_fields: hw_path instance driver model state_flags
fc_fields: hw_path instance driver model state_flags
graphics_fields: hw_path instance driver c_device model crt_x crt_y crt_planes
iscsi_hl_fields: hw_path instance driver model state_flags