Ignite-UX Administration Guide for HP-UX 11i (B3921-90080, November 2013)

Phase 2 – HP-UX archives and depot software are installed. The HP-UX kernel is built. A reboot
is required to start the final HP-UX kernel and make the new file system the root file system.
Phase 3 – Software is configured. The system is now fully installed or recovered after a reboot
or halt.
Ignite-UX software is started and the Ignite user interface is run to select, create, or modify the
configuration that will be used to control installation or recovery. The result of this phase is a
detailed system configuration to be used for installation or recovery. Processing for this phase is
done on a RAM file system.
1. The install kernel and install file system are loaded from the boot source to the client memory
via boot loader functionality. The HP-UX install kernel is started.
2. The Ignite software is started by the install kernel as an application process running on the
install file system.
3. Additional RAM file systems are created to allow enough file system space for loading system
setup content.
4. If the system has SAS disks, the I/O configuration is modified as needed to make the mapping
between bays and HW paths consistent. This aids consistent installation and recovery.
(Improved agile device selection and recovery has eliminated the need for this feature and
might result in this step being removed in the future.)
5. Configuration content from the install file system is loaded to determine if the Ignite TUI should
be started and if special inventory control is needed. (The Ignite TUI is started by default.)
6. A system I/O inventory is performed. This identifies devices where HP-UX may be installed,
and identifies devices and networks used to accomplish installation. Install file system
configuration and boot loader option content may be used to control inventory. The boot
source is also determined.
7. Unless configuration information directs otherwise, the Ignite TUI is launched on the client.
The operation to be performed is set. (Advanced Install is the default operation.)
Networking configuration information is determined, if the installation requires the network.
The complete set of Ignite configuration files is read and parsed. Note that changing the
Configuration or Environment will result in rereading and parsing config content, since
these changes generally result in changes to the set of config files.
System, software, file system, and other configuration changes are gathered via the
When Go! is selected from the user interface, the requested installation or recovery is
Configuration sanity checking is performed. If there are problems, you are returned to
the TUI.
The modified configuration is saved to control installation or recovery processing.
8. If the TUI was not selected to launch, sanity checking is done on the selected config.
Phase 1
Storage is set up and Ignite relocates to the new disk file system. The result of this phase is the
install or recovery functionality running on what appears to be a normal disk-based file system,
and if recovery, an I/O configuration that appears to be restored. Some aspects of the configuration
cannot be fully restored until reboot. Processing for this phase is done on a RAM file system.
20 Ignite-UX Overview