Ignite-UX Administration Guide for HP-UX 11i (B3921-90080, November 2013)

lvlnboot, used by save_config does not work when a disk is removed and the system is in
this intermediate state. If this command is not working, a recovery cannot succeed.
Why is the EFI volume not restored during a recovery?
Ignite-UX destroys the old EFI volume on the boot disk and creates a new EFI volume every time
the system is installed. At no point during the installation is the old EFI volume copied and restored
to the disk.
To restore the EFI volume to the disk, reinstall the application or look at the SD configure scripts
for the application and then rerun the commands that put the EFI volume in place on the disk.
Why does make_net_recovery fail when the image is 2 or more?
The make_net_recovery command uses NFS to write/read the system image from the client
to/from the server. To manage images greater than 2 requires that both the client and server use
NFS protocol Version 3 (PV3). NFS PV3 is standard on all HP-UX 11i releases.
If you know you have NFS PV3 and are having problems, check the /etc/rc.config.d/
nfsconf file for the configured parameter, MOUNTD_VER that defines the default mount to be PV2
or PV3; it must be set to 3.
Why is the LAN address different after replacing a client system?
Ignite-UX uses a separate directory for each client under /var/opt/ignite/clients. Each
subdirectory is named based on the client’s LAN address. If you replace the client hardware or
even the LAN interface that the old LAN address was based on, it will no longer access the same
directory on the server.
The simplest solution is to obtain the new LAN address with the BCH command LanAddress or
the EFI command lanaddress. Once you have the new address, manually rename the directory.
You may just remove the hostname symlink (it will be recreated automatically). Note that the LAN
address must be in all uppercase, and begin with 0x.
If you already booted from the client and caused the server to create a new directory, you can just
remove that directory before renaming the old directory. To avoid losing the recovery information,
be careful not to remove the original directory. For example:
# cd /var/opt/ignite/clients
# mv 0x00108300041F 0x00108300042A
# rm old_hostname
When recovering a system across multiple disks, how are the volumes assigned to disks?
Ignite-UX will do all it can to find a solution to refitting the volumes back to disks. If Ignite cannot
find a solution, it will automatically turn off the mapping by setting the Disk Mapping value from
Assigned Disk to Any. For information regarding how to set the Disk Mapping value, see “Volume
Parametersand the File System/Swap Attributes section in instl_adm(4).
Why is the tape device different between making the recovery image and using the recovery image?
During the recovery process, when the file system is set up and the I/O tree is initialized, tape
device files might be mapped differently from when the original recovery tape was made. Therefore,
it is possible for a recovery tape to be created with one tape device file, for instance /dev/rmt/
220 Recovery