HP Insight Cluster Management Utility v7.1 User Guide

cmu_mgt_config -- Configure or test a set of Linux components required by HP Insight CMU.
# /opt/cmu/bin/cmu_mgt_config [-c] [-t] [-d] [-e eth<num1> [:num2]] [-h] [-i] [-n
num] [-s step,...]
cmu_mgt_config attempts to configure (-c) or test (-t) a collection of Linux components required
by HP Insight CMU.
cmu_mgt_config can be run repeatedly without adversely affecting already configured
components. This command can also be used to reconfigure components, for example, to change
an already configured DHCP listening interface.
The names of all modified files and their backups are logged to /opt/cmu/log/
One of the following:
Test whether required HP Insight CMU modifications have been made. Make configuration
changes where required.
Test whether required HP Insight CMU modifications have been made. This mode does not
make changes to the system.
Automatically defaults when reasonable.
NOTE: Only use this option if you are familiar with the defaults.
-e eth <num1>[:num2]|bond <num1>
Specifies the DHCP listening interface/eth. Where num1 and num2 are integers >= 0.
Print this help text.
Ignore errors where possible and continue processing. Commonly used with the -t option.
-n <num>
Specifies the number of NFS threads to be configured. Where <num> is an integer > 0.
-s <step,...>
Perform only the configuration steps indicated by <step,...>. Where <step,...> is a
comma-separated list of the following named steps, without white space. The order in which
the steps are executed is determined by HP Insight CMU.
Check SELinux configuration.
Check for all rpms required by HP Insight CMU.