HP Insight Control for Linux 6.0 User Guide

cpu system Shows how much of the CPU time has been spent on system-level tasks.
cpu usage Reports how much of the server's CPU set was spent in the user, system,
and nice states. This is the default view.
load average Reports the 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages.
mem buffers Shows how much of the server's memory is allocated to system-wide
memory buffers.
mem shared Reports the amount of memory shared among applications.
mem used Reports the percentage of memory in use for all activities, for example,
code, buffers, and shared memory.
swap info Reports the amount of swap space available and the amount of swap
space in use.
The Last menu specifies the length of the sample data. The choices are as follows:
1 hour
2 hours
6 hours
12 hours
1 day
2 days
1 week
2 weeks
1 month
1 year
The Sorted menu specifies how to sort the detail graphs. The options are as follows:
ascending Displays those servers with the greatest data first.
by hostname Displays the servers by host name regardless of the data.
descending Displays those servers with the least data first.
The System Details link opens the Nagios Service Status Details for All Hosts window.
Selecting the Get Fresh Data button in the top right-hand corner updates the graph with
any available new data.
14.3 Using Nagios 163