HP Insight Control for Linux 6.2 User Guide

Corrective actionCause/Symptom
Check the {collection_name}_Servers subcollection
to ensure that the VM guests to be monitored belong to
that subcollection.
VM Guests are not monitored
See the HP Insight Control virtual machine management
documentation for workarounds to this problem.
Problems installing SLES 10 SP2 x86_64 Xen
This might occur on some hardware combinations.
Acknowledging the request allows the installation to
A complete erasure of the disk (writing zeroes to the disk)
also prevents this situation, however, it may be
time-consuming, depending on the size of the disk.
Use the following command to write zeroes to the disk:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=path-to-disk
Disk error or hang prompting for disk information
occurs during ESX 3.x Kickstart installation
When VMware ESX 3.x is installed, it might not be able
to determine the state of the partition table on the target
disk, resulting in a prompt on the console to acknowledge
the creation of a new partition table.
Ensure that each processor in a server has adequate
No memory detected in SRAT node x. This can cause
very bad performance.
A VMware ESX installation requires adequate memory
for each processor in an AMD-based server. Having
adequate but unbalanced memory might result in an
installation failure.
The memory requirements for Dom0 may need to be
increased. Modify the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to
increase the value of the dom0_mem parameter in the
virtual machine host kernel append line. For example,
dom0_mem=1024M lowmem_emergency_pool=16M
VM guest resource (network, storage, and memory) fail
to initialize on start up.
Follow this procedure:
1. Verify that virtual machine management has started:
# /etc/init.d/hpvmm status
2. Restart virtual machine management if necessary:
# /etc/init.d/hpvmm start
Virtual machine management might fail to start on the
In some cases, particularly for the RHEL 4.n release
stream, HP Insight Control virtual machine management
does not start properly after a reboot.
Renumber the Ethernet devices so that the device used
to PXE boot is eth0 (or at least a low number such as 1
or 2). On a RHEL OS, the procedure is:
1. Locate the ifcfg file for the external interface/bridge
(for example, eth6) and a lower numbered external
interface/bridge (for example, eth0):
2. Change the numbering of these two interfaces by
swapping their file names:
# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
# mv ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-hold
# mv ifcfg-eth6 ifcfg-eth0
# mv ifcfg-hold ifcfg-eth6
3. Change the DEVICE attribute in both files so that each
matches its new file name. For example, in the new
ifcfg-eth0 file, do the following
DEVICE=eth0 <-- this had been set to
eth6 before the file was renamed
4. Make the same change to the ifcfg-eth6 file.
Xen bridge fails to start if an Ethernet device is
numbered too high
On a server with multiple NICs, the Xen bridge does not
start when the main device number is too high (for
example, eth6).
25.26 Troubleshooting virtual machine installation and setup problems 259