HP Insight Control for Linux 6.2 User Guide

The items listed in Table 5-2 are preregistered and reside in the repository after you install Insight
Control for Linux. The default contents include sample RHEL Kickstart and SLES AutoYaST
installation configuration files and an example PSP dependency script.
Table 5-2 Default repository contents
DescriptionFile name examplesItem type
Provides a sample PSP dependency script that installs
RPM dependencies on the managed systems; the PSP
installation process requires the RPM dependencies.
PSP Dependency
Provides version-specific RHEL Kickstart installation
configuration files, including customized installation files
for management hubs, virtual hosts, and virtual guests. In
this example, rh055 indicates RHEL Version 5 Update
Installation Files
Provides version-specific SLES AutoYaST installation
configuration files, including customized installation files
for management hubs, virtual hosts, and virtual guests.
In this example, sll103 is for SLES Version 10 Service
Pack 3.
Installation File
Provides a version-specific automated installation
configuration file for VMware ESX.
Installation File
5.1.3 Repository item naming conventions
Repository item names cannot contain spaces, cannot be blank, and must use only the following
Lowercase letters a through z
Uppercase letters A through Z
Numbers 0 (zero) through 9
Hyphens (-), periods (.), and underscores (_)
Choose a unique name for each item you register in the repository, regardless of where it is stored
in the repository.
5.2 Registering items in the Insight Control for Linux repository
This section provides an overview of the Insight Control for Linux repository and describes how
to register software items in the repository. The following topics are addressed:
“Registration overview” (page 50)
“Registering operating systems” (page 51)
“Registering PSPs” (page 53)
“Registering automated installation configuration files (Kickstart and AutoYaST)” (page 54)
“Registering Linux and PSP dependency scripts” (page 55)
5.2.1 Registration overview
To make operating systems, Kickstart and AutoYaST installation configuration files, boot files,
captured Linux images, and PSPs available in the repository for installation and deployment to
managed systems, you must first register the item in the Insight Control for Linux repository.
Firmware files are not registered in the Insight Control for Linux repository.
When you register an item in the repository, it becomes available as a selection for the Insight
Control for Linux installation and deployment tools. The item type determines the tool that
makes the item available for selection.
50 Managing the Insight Control for Linux repository