HP Insight Management WBEM Providers 2.8 for Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 Data Sheet

Table 16-77 HPSAS_DeviceIndication: Logical Drive status OK
Property name Property implementation
IndicationIdentifier GUID string generated at the time of indication
PreceivedSeverity 2 (Informational)
IndicationTime Time of indication
Description A logical drive status has changed from non-OK to OK.
AlertingMangedElement WBEM Path of Storage Volume
AlertingElementFormat 2 (CIMObjectPath)
AlertType 5 (Device Alert)
EventID 101
EventTime Time of the event or time of the indication if event time
ProviderName HP SAS
RecommendedActions No action is recommended.
SystemName Name of the computer system generating the indication
SystemCreationClassName CreationClassName of the computer system generating
the indication
Summary Logical Drive status OK
EventCategory 6 (Primary Storage)
ProbableCause 1 (Other)
ProbableCauseDescription Logical Drive Status Changed to OK
ProviderVersion Provider version generating the indication in the
format, <major>.<minor>.<revision>.<build>
NetworkAddresses List of all the IP addresses of the computer system
generating the indication
For Windows 2003 32-bit: 69
For Windows 2003 64-bit: 70
For Windows 2008 32-bit: 76
For Windows 2008 64-bit: 77
For Windows 2008 R2: 103
OSVersion The operating system version of the computer system
generating the indication in the following format:
SystemFirmwareVersion Firmware version of the computer system generating
the indication
SystemSerialNumber Serial number of the computer system generating the