HP IAP Version 2.1 User Guide, March 2011

Boolean operators must be surrounded by one or more separators, typically white space. For example,
the query peas&&carrots is not equivalent to the query peas && carrots; peas&&carrots
is a single word.
Negation operators (- and !) are exceptions to this rule. They must be preceded by a separator, but
they need not be followed by a separator. For example, carrot-a6 is a single query word, but
carrot -a6, like carrot (- a6), is equivalent to the Boolean expression carrot NOT a6.
You must connect at least two sub-expressions with the operators NOT (- or !), AND (&& ), and OR.
The following table shows examples of legal and illegal queries using sub-expressions:
legalomega NOT alpha
legalalpha AND omega
legalalpha OR omega
illegalNOT alpha
illegalNOT NOT alpha
illegalOR alpha
illegalOR OR alpha
illegalAND omega
illegalAND AND omega
Nested query expressions
You can nest Boolean query expressions using Boolean expressions as arguments of Boolean
expressions. For example, the following query searches for documents containing alpha and beta
but not omega:
(alpha AND beta) NOT omega
Query expression syntax and matching60