HP Integrity Virtual Machines Installation, Configuration, and Administration Version A.03.50

There are no error returns for the hpvm_api_server_check and the
hpvm_api_virtmach_check routines. If an error occurs on the hpvm_api_version_get,
hpvm_api_my_uuid_get, the hpvm_api_server_uuid_get, or the
hpvm_api_server_hostname_get routine, one of the following error codes defined in
hpvm_api_public.h is returned:
HPVMAPINOMEMORY — Inadequate memory resources
HPVMAPIINVALARG — Invalid argument
HPVMAPIBADFORMAT — Retrieved uuid was formatted badly
HPVMNOTVM — Not being run on an HPVM virtual machine
HPVMAPINOTSUP — Not supported
The hpvmpubapi public APIs were authored by the HP.
On the VM Host:
hpvm(5), hpvmclone(1M), hpvmcollect(1M), hpvmconsole(1M), hpvmcreate(1M), hpvmdevmgmt(1M),
hpvminfo(1M), hpvmmigrate(1M), hpvmmodify(1M), hpvmpubapi(3), hpvmremove(1M),
hpvmresources(5), hpvmstart(1M), hpvmstatus(1M), hpvmstop(1M), p2vassist(1M)
On the Integrity VM guest:
hpvmcollect(1M), hpvminfo(1M), hpvmmgmt(1M), hpvmpubapi(3)