HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator Guide (includes A.05.08) (5900-1312, March 2011)

WARNING! Before modifying power settings, and for detailed warnings and information
on power for nPartitionable servers, read the section “Powering Cells and IO Chassis On
and Off” in the manual nPartition Administrator’s Guide available on the BSC website
at www.hp.com/go/hpux-npars-docs.
Setboot and System-wide Stable Storage
On a vPars system, the setboot command does not read from or write to system-wide stable
storage. Instead, the setboot command reads from and writes to the vPars partition database,
affecting only the entries of the virtual partition from which the setboot command was run.
For example, if you are logged into winona2 and execute the command:
winona2# setboot -b on
this would set the autoboot attribute to AUTO for the virtual partition winona2.
The actions of setboot on a virtual partition are:
vPars effectsetboot
changes the primary boot path of the virtual partition-p
changes the alternate boot path of the virtual partition-a
sets the autosearch attribute of the virtual partition
(pre-A.03.02: no effect)
sets the autoboot attribute of the virtual partition-b
displays the primary boot path, alternate boot path, and autoboot attribute of the virtual partitionno options
To modify stable storage, you must either:
go into standalone/nPars mode and use setboot or parmodify
within the vPars environment on PA-RISC nPartitionable servers, use parmodify
(parmodify is not supported from within the vPars environment on Integrity servers
go to the BCH for PA-RISC or EFI Shell for Integrity systems
For more information on using the above firmware or HP-UX commands, see the document
nPartition Administrator’s Guide, Managing Systems and Workgroups (11.11, 11.23) or
HP-UX Systems Administrator’s Guide (11.31), available at www.hp.com/go/hpux-core-docs.
The boot path setting for HAA (High-Availability Alternate) is not supported for vPars instances.
For more information on HAA, see the nPartition Administrator’s Guide.
See also “EFI and Integrity Notes” (page 36) for information on EFI variables and booting.
Using Primary and Alternate Boot Paths
You can set the primary and alternate boot paths of a virtual partition by using the HP-UX setboot
command or the vPars command vparmodify and the BOOT and ALTBOOT attributes.
156 vPars Monitor and Shell Commands