HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator Guide (includes A.05.08) (5900-1312, March 2011)

2 How vPars and Its Components Work
This chapter covers:
Partitioning Using vPars
vPars Monitor and vPars Partition Database
vPars Boot Sequence
EFI and Integrity Notes
Virtual Consoles and Logs
Partitioning Using vPars
To understand how vPars works, compare it to a server not using vPars. Figure 2-1 shows a 4-way
HP-UX server. Without vPars, all hardware resources are dedicated to one instance of HP-UX and
the applications that are running on this one instance.
Figure 2-2 shows the software stack where all applications run on top of the single OS instance:
Figure 3 Server without vPars
Partitioning Using vPars 27