HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide (5900-2540, December 2012)

Dual path connectivity allows the switch or array firmware updates without bringing
SD2 down
For more redundancy or >16 partitions a second P2000 can be used
Boot from External SAN
An unlimited number of LUNs might be presented by an external SAN.
You must consider the following for a SAN boot:
Dual paths to SAN/storage is recommended for all partitions
Allows online updates of switch and array firmware
Two hops or less is strongly recommended
No factory installation of operating environment is available
nPartition and vPar definition is available and is independent of the installation of an
operating system.
nPartition and Resource Health Status
The nPartition and resource status reveals the current health of the hardware. The nPartition resources
(blades and IObays) might have one of the following usage status:
DescriptionResource Usage
The slot has no resource.Empty
Resource is inactive.Inactive
Firmware is in the process of discovering or integrating the
resource. It cannot be used for partition operations.
The resource is active in the partition.Active
The partition resources might display one of the following health status:
CommentMeaningResource health
Resource is present and usable.Okay/healthyOK
Resource has been deconfigured.DeconfiguredD
Resource has been indicted.IndictedI
A parent resource has been deconfigured. An example is the
status of a memory DIMM which is healthy when the blade in
which it is located is deconfigured. The DIMM status is then PD.
Parent DeconfiguredPD
Similar to PD except the parent resource has been indicted.Parent IndictedPI
A resource has been indicted and deconfiguredIndicted and DeconfiguredI D
A parent resource has been indicted and deconfigured.Parent Indicted and Parent
The health of an nPartition depends on the health of its owned resources. If there are unhealthy
resources, the health of the partition is marked as Degraded. If all the resources in the partition
are healthy, the health of the partition is reported as OK.
Viewing Partition and Resource Health Status Using the CLI
Use the parstatus command to view the health status of nPartitions:
74 Booting and resetting Partitions (nPartitions and vPars)