HP-UX GUID Manager v1.0 Administrator Guide

3 Setting up the GUIDMgr
This chapter discusses how to set up the server and the client, how to create the GUIDMgr database
and how to configure and manage the WWNs.
3.1 Setting up the server and the client
This section provides the steps for setting up the server and the client. After installing, initializing,
and configuring the GUID manager on the server (see “Installing on the server (page 9)), follow
these steps to set up the server:
1. Set the GUIDMgr server hostname:
# /opt/guid/bin/guidconfig -h guid_server_hostname
After installing GUID Manager on the client “Installing on the client (page 10), perform the
following steps to set up the client:
1. Configure client access to the database:
# /opt/guid/bin/guid_client_prepare -a
2. Set the GUIDMgr server hostname:
# /opt/guid/bin/guidconfig -h guid_server_hostname
3. Create a range of WWNs to manage:
# /opt.guid/bin/guidmgmt -S wwn 50014c2000000000 50014c2000007fff
4. Verify database access by querying the pools of WWNs:
# /opt/guid/bin/guidmgmt -L wwn
Range type Start(Hex) End(Hex) Size(dec)
=============== ================== ================== ==========
HP-DEFINED-PWWN 0x50014c2000000000 0x50014c2000007fff 32768
HP-DEFINED-NWWN 0x50014c2800000000 0x50014c2800007fff 32768
5. Verify ranges with these commands:
# /opt/guid/sbin/guidbutil -s range_wwn wwn
# /opt/guid/sbin/guidbutil -s addr_wwn wwn
3.2 Verify GUIDMgr is configured and the DAEMON started
If the commands to query pools of WWNs and to list ranges and addresses of WWNs did not
return any results, the configuration might not be complete or the GUID daemons are not running.
If so, follow these steps:
1. Check /etc/rc.config.d/guidmgr_conf file. It should be like the following:
# GUIDD_START: Set to 1 to start GUIDD daemon
# GUIDD_ARGS: Command line arguments to pass to guidd
GUIDD_UMASK=000 #The acceptable values of this variable are found by doing man umask
# GUIDKEYD_START: Set to 1 to start GUIDKEYD daemon
# GUIDKEYD_ARGS: Command line arguments to pass to guidkeyd
GUIDKEYD_UMASK=000 #The acceptable values of this variable are found by doing man umask
If the /etc/rc.config.d/guidmgr_conf file does not look like this, you can fix it by
running the following command or edit it manually:
2. Next, restart the GUID daemons.
3.1 Setting up the server and the client 11