HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator's Guide (includes A.03.05 and A.04.05)

containing 8 GB of total memory consisting of:
4 GB of ILM
4 GB of CLM (2 GB from each cell)
with 2 virtual partitions booted with each virtual partition assigned:
2 GB of ILM
2 GB of CLM
Then, the memory not available to the virtual partitions’ OS and applications would consist of
the following:
128 MB nPartition firmware (64 MB from each cell x 2 cells)
384 MB fpar0
128 MB fpardump
32 MB fpar1 for virtual partition 1
32 MB fpar2 for virtual partition 2
From a vPars perspective, this means the following:
The vPars Monitor resides in fpar0.
Virtual partition 1 sees 4064 MB of memory:
4096 - 32 (fpar1) = 4064 MB
Virtual partition 2 sees 3424 MB of memory:
4096 - 32 (fpar2) - 384 (fpar0) - 128 (fpardump) - 128 (nPartition firmware) = 3424 MB
If all the memory in the nPartition is divided among all the virtual partitions, then during
vPars Monitor boot, the last virtual partition in the nPartition gets the memory that remains
after memory taken by firmware and the vPars Monitor.
Available ILM memory:
4096 (2048 from each cell) - 384 (fpar0) - 128 (fpardump) - 32 (fpar1) - 32 (fpar2) = 3520 MB
of available ILM
Available CLM memory:
2048 - 64 (64 from each cell) = 1984 MB of available CLM for each cell
310 Memory Usage with vPars in nPartitions