Distributed Systems Administration Utilities User's Guide, Linux, March 2009

IMPORTANT: The following notes are particularly for SLES 10 users.
On Red Hat syslogd and syslog-ng coexist and both have different start up scripts whereas
SLES has only syslog-ng. On SLES syslog-ng is managed by two start up scripts - one
provided by default in SLES and the other provided by DSAU. The proper sequencing is that
the SLES startup script runs first, and then the default startup script runs. If the system startup
script runs first, then the DSAU startup script displays a warning message.
On Red Hat in a Serviceguard environment you cannot manually shutdown the syslog-ng
daemon. To do this the user must use the cmhaltpkg command. On SLES in a Serviceguard
environment, HP recommends you DO NOT shutdown the syslog-ng daemon. Doing so can
cause the breaking of log consolidation. Instead use the cmhaltpkg command.
3.3.1 Using the Log Consolidation Wizard
The Log Consolidation Wizard is installed as /opt/dsau/sbin/clog_wizard. The wizard
supports creating the following configurations:
a standalone log consolidation server
a highly-available log consolidation server for use within a single Serviceguard cluster
(intra-cluster use only)
a highly-available log consolidation server for use by the local Serviceguard cluster and
remote systems, including Serviceguard cluster clients
a standalone system forwarding logs to a remote log consolidation server
a Serviceguard cluster forwarding logs to a remote log consolidation server
Choose the appropriate configuration option.
The wizard detects whether you are running on a standalone system or a Serviceguard cluster.
When running the wizard on a Serviceguard cluster, the default is to set up clog as a highly
available service (Serviceguard package). The administrator must provision the storage
environment for the package and the required package IP address and DNS name registration.
The wizard supports LVM storage configurations. Non-LVM configurations must be done
manually. The required package information that the wizard requires is listed in the following
Table 3-3 Configuration Data for clog_wizard
Your ValueExampleConfiguration Data
LVM volume group
Logical volume
Filesystem mount point
-o rw
Mount options
Filesystem type
Package IP Address (a registered DNS
Package subnet
Free ports for tcp and ssh Configuring a Log Consolidation Standalone Server with clog_wizard
To start the log consolidation wizard, issue the following command:
50 Consolidated Logging