HP OSMS Blueprint: Directory Services on HP ProLiant Servers with SLES10

3. Copy the files newreq.pem and newcert.pem, which were created in step 2, to the CDS
client and move them to the /opt/symas/ssl/ directory. Rename the file newreq.pem
to clientkey.pem and the file newcert.pem to clientcert.pem.
4. Set the environment variables by running the following commands:
# export LDAPCONF=home_directory
# export LDAPRC=ldap.rc
The ldap.rc file should be created in the home_directory. If the current login name on
the CDS client is root, and the home directory for root is /root, then the commands are
as follows:
# export LDAPCONF=/root
# export LDAPRC=ldap.rc
5. Edit the ldap.rc file by adding the following contents:
URI ldaps://<CDS_SERVER>:636/
BASE dc=example,dc=com
TLS_CERT /opt/symas/ssl/clientcert.pem
TLS_KEY /opt/symas/ssl/clientkey.pem
Where CDS_SERVER is the host name or IP address of the CDS server.
6. Add the following directive to the slapd.conf file:
TLSVerifyClient demand
This directive tells the CDS client to provide a valid certificate. If no certificate is provided
or the certificate is invalid, the session is terminated immediately.
7. Restart the CDS server.
8. Use the ldapsearch command on the CDS client to verify that the EXTERNAL
authentication mechanism is working by entering the following command:
# /opt/symas/bin/ldapsearch -b 'dc=osm,dc=example,dc=com' \
-s base -LLL
The following displays:
SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started
SASL username: emailAddress=osmsuser@cdsclient.test,
CN=cdsclient.test,O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd,ST=Some-State,C=AU
dn: dc=osm,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organizationalUnit
dc: osm
9. Use the ldapwhoami command to check the DN for the user by entering the following:
# /opt/symas/bin/ldapwhoami
The following is displayed:
SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started
SASL username: emailAddress=osmsuser@cdsclient.test,
CN=cdsclient.test,O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd,ST=Some-State,C=AU
o=internet widgits pty ltd,st=some-state,c=au
Result: Success (0)
The DN for the user
email=osmsuser@cdsclient.test,cn=cdsclient.test,o=internet widgits
pty ltd,st=some-state,c=au can be mapped to the DN in the LDAP namespace by
Setting up Security for the CDS Server 27