Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Integrity Linux, December 2005

Step by Step Installation of SGeSAP on Integrity Linux for SAP WAS Central Instances
Linux Configuration
Chapter 254
Ensure that $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys2 is not writable by group
and others. The same is valid for the complete path.
Permissions on ~<user> should be 755. Permissions on
~<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys2 must be 600 or 644.
Allowing group/other write access to .ssh or authorized_keys2 will
disable automatic authentication.
IS340 Installation Step:
Create all Central Instance directories below /export as specified in
section “Planning the LVM layout for Clustered SAP Environments”. For
su - <sid>adm
mkdir -p /export/sapmnt/<SID>
mkdir -p /export/usr/sap/trans
SD350 SAPDB Database Step:
Create all SAPDB directories below /export as specified in section
“Planning the LVM layout for Clustered SAP Environments”. For
su - <dbsid>adm
mkdir -p /export/sapdb/programs
mkdir -p /export/sapdb/data
mkdir -p /export/var/spool/sql/ini
IS360 Installation Step:
Each package needs at least one relocatable IP address to be specified. In
case there is a distinction between frontend and server LANs, it is likely
that at least two addresses are needed per package. Dedicated heartbeat
LANs would require additional addresses. Add all relocatable IP address
information to /etc/hosts.