Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux (IA64 Integrity and x86_64), February 2008

Step-by-Step Cluster Conversion
Linux Configuration
Chapter 3124
Cluster Node Configuration
NOTE Repeat the steps in this section for each node of the cluster.
IS241 Installation Step:
Logon as root.
Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux needs remote login to be
enabled on all cluster hosts. The traditional way to achieve this is via
remote shell commands. If security concerns prohibit this, it is also
possible to use secure shell access instead.
If you are planning to use the traditional remote shell access adjust the
security settings in /etc/pam.d for the following services: In file
/etc/pam.d/login comment out the following line: auth required
/lib/security/ In file /etc/pam.d/rsh change the
following line: auth required /lib/security/
to auth sufficient /lib/security/
Create an .rhosts file in the home directories of the Linux users root,
<sid>adm. Allow login for root as root from all nodes including the node
you are logged into. Allow login for root and <sid>adm as <sid>adm from
all nodes including the node you are logged into. Be careful with this
step, many problems result from an incorrect setup of remote access.
Check the setup with remsh commands. If you have to provide a
password, the .rhosts does not work.
IS242 Installation Step:
Use the following steps, if you are planning to use the secure shell
1. Make sure that the openssh rpm-package is installed.
rpm -qa | grep ssh
2. Create a private and public key for the root user:
ssh -keygen -t dsa
Executing this command creates a .ssh directory in the root user's home
directory including the following files: