Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux (IA64 Integrity and x86_64), February 2008

Step-by-Step Cluster Conversion
Cluster Configuration
Chapter 3136
OS440 Optional Step:
Serviceguard also allows the monitoring of resources and processes that
belong to a Serviceguard package. The terminology used to describe this
capability is called a “Serviceguard monitoring service”.
The “Serviceguard monitoring service” name is defined in the
Serviceguard configuration file (xxx.config) and the script to execute
for monitoring a resource is specified in the Serviceguard control script
In the case of SGeSAP/LX two “Serviceguard monitoring service” scripts
are available: sapms.mon and sapdisp.mon.
Monitoring scripts periodically check the availability and responsiveness
of the SAP Message Server (monitored by sapms.mon). If it recognizes
the SAP Message Server to be unavailable, Serviceguard will switch the
package and try to restart the package on a different cluster node since
the SAP Message Server crucial component of a SAP Central Instance.
The SAP Message Server should be monitored as a Serviceguard
“monitoring service,” defined in the ci.config file. The recommended
naming for the monitoring service is <pkgtype><SID>ms. This is an
example for the (ci) instance and SID C11:
NOTE Only the Serviceguard “service” (or the “monitoring service” name:
SERVICE_NAME) gets specified in the Serviceguard configuration file
(xxx.config). The script that gets executed for monitoring will be added
in the Serviceguard control script (xxx.control.script).
The monitor will be paused within ten seconds if a debug file gets created
for the package:
touch ${SGCONF}/<SID>/debug
The debug file can be used to allow manual SAP instance shutdowns and