Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux (IA64 Integrity and x86_64), February 2008

Step-by-Step Cluster Conversion
Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux Configuration – sap.config
Chapter 3 147
IS600 Installation Step:
Specify the relocatable IP address where the Serviceguard NFS shared
file systems can be reached. Format is IPv4: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn.
This value specifies the default for commonly shared file systems. An
override is possible for the MaxDB ini-directory, the global transport
directory and the central executable directory individually by specifying
NOTE All xxxRELOC parameters listed above have to use the same syntax as
the IP[]-array in the package control file.
NFSRELOC= When using the automounter the NFSRELOC does
not need to be specified.
OS610 Subsection for the DB component:
Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux performs activities specific to
the database you use. Specify the underlying database vendor using the
DB parameter. Possible options are: ORACLE and MaxDB. Refer to the
Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux release notes to see whether
the required vendor is available for the SAP application component.
Specify the relocatible IP address of the database instance. Be sure to
use exactly the same syntax as configured in the IP[]-array in the
package control file.
In the subsection for the DB component there is an optional paragraph
for Oracle and MaxDB database parameters. Depending on your need for
special Serviceguard setups and configurations have a look at those
parameters and their description.