Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux (IA64 Integrity and x86_64), February 2008

SAP Supply Chain Management
Linux Setup
Chapter 4 193
LC060 liveCache installation Step:
1. Copy the content of the <lcsid>adm home directory to the backup
node. This is a local directory on each node.
2. Rename the environment scripts on the secondary nodes. Some of the
environment scripts may not exist. For example:
su - <lcsid>adm
mv .dbenv_<primary>.csh .dbenv_<secondary>.csh
mv .dbenv_<primary>.sh .dbenv_<secondary>.sh
For liveCache 7.6:
su - <lcsid>adm
mv .lcenv_<primary>.csh .lcenv_<secondary>.csh
mv .lcenv_<primary>.sh .lcenv_<secondary>.sh
NOTE Never use the relocatable address in these file names.
LC061 liveCache installation Step:
Copy file /etc/opt/sdb to the second cluster node. This file contains
global path names for the liveCache instance.
LC062 liveCache installation Step:
Verify that the symbolic links listed below in directory /var/spool/sql exist
on both cluster nodes.
dbspeed -> /sapdb/data/dbspeed
diag -> /sapdb/data/diag
fifo -> /sapdb/data/fifo
ipc -> /sapdb/data/ipc
pid -> /sapdb/data/pid
pipe -> /sapdb/data/pipe
ppid -> /sapdb/data/ppid