Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux (IA64 Integrity and x86_64), February 2008

Understanding Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux
Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux File structure
Chapter 130
The cmapplyconf(1m) command together with the above two files
(xxx.config and xxx.control.script) is used to create a Serviceguard
package “xxx”.
The cmapplyconf command generates or updates the data that is stored
in the binary configuration file ${SGCONF}/cmclconf and distributes it
to all cluster nodes.
SAP in one-package:
dbci<SID>.config, dbci<SID>.control.script
SAP in two-package ssh:
db<SID>.config, db<SID>.control.script
ci<SID>.config, ci<SID>.control.script
NOTE The files xxx.config and xxx.control.script mentioned above are
specific to Serviceguard and the Serviceguard packages and not related
to SGeSAP/LX. So the files xxx.config and xxx.control.script
basically just define a Serviceguard package. The SGeSAP/LX specific
scripts will be executed by adding these to the functions
customer_defined_run_cmds and customer_defined_halt_cmds in
file xxx.control.script.
Some SGeSAP/LX specific files are sap.config,
sap.functions,customer.functions and The entry into
the SGeSAP/LX specific part begins with the execution of the
script as mentioned in the”xxx.control.script” section above. The
script just provides a set of basic function calls to start or stop
a SAP instance or a database instance. The actual logic of these basic
functions resides in file sap.functions, a bash script. The script
sap.functions itself requires a configuration file sap.config for
determining the SAP instance number, or the SAP instance type or the
database used for this SAP instance. Finally the SGeSAP/LX script file
customer functions can be used to implement customer / site specific
start and stop of commands.