Cloud bursting with HP CloudSystem Matrix infrastructure orchestration: Matrix-to-Matrix, HP Matrix KVM Private Cloud, HP Cloud Services, and Amazon EC2

HP Cloud Services sample files
Image filter file
Image status values are described in the HP Cloud Compute Developer Guide at
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
This image filter file determines which images are visible in the software inventory.
Filter rules:
- The image set is the aggregate of one or more FilterSets.
- A FilterSet includes one or more IncludeFilters and zero or more ExcludeFilters.
- IncludeFilters are processed and aggregated before ExcludeFilters are applied.
- Each IncludeFilter and ExcludeFilter can contain multiple FilterCriterion
elements. A filter is considered a match if all its criteria match.
- FilterCriterion names are "name", "image-id", "status", "" and "metadata.<name>".
- A FilterCriterion can contain multiple values, of which only one needs to match.
- FilterCriterion values can contain wildcards:
* matches zero or more characters
? matches exactly one character
- A backslash can be used to escape special characters in a FilterCriterion value.
<!-- Include all active images -->
<!-- Exclude Kernel and Ramdisk images, as indicated by the image name -->
Server type definitions file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
This file defines the server types to use for an HP Cloud Services capacity pool.
The server type names in this file must match the names used by the provider.
Use of this file is optional. If not used, the server type definitions are
retrieved directly from the provider.
This file may be edited to:
- Disable the use of certain server types, by removing them from the file.
- Modify the memory and processor settings for a server type, to normalize them
with other resources in the managed environment.