HP Matrix Operating Environment 7.3 Update 1 Release Notes

Back up user-modified properties files before upgrade
During an upgrade, Matrix OE properties files from an earlier release are replaced by
new properties files for the new release. If you made any modifications or customizations
to the properties files, your changes are lost.
Suggested action
Before beginning an upgrade to Matrix OE, save a copy of user-modified properties
files or note any changes made to the files so that you can insert those modifications
into the new versions of the files.
Following is a list of properties files that are commonly modified. Verify in your
environment if you have modified these files before beginning an upgrade, and if you
have modified them, save the files to a location that is not under the ..\Program
Files\HP\Virtual Server Environment directory tree.
C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server Environment\conf\esa.properties
C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server Environment\conf\lsa\lsa.properties
Back up the SPM state folder before performing an upgrade:C:\Program Files
(x86)\HP\Storage Provisioning Manager\state\
After the upgrade has completed, but before the services are restarted or the CMS is
rebooted, edit the new properties files and add any custom entries made to the previous
version of the files.
Allocated storage may not be visible if SPP is not installed
In order to ensure that allocated storage is visible when deploying an OS, make sure
the SPP is installed. for more information, see the SPP home page at: http://
h18004.www1.hp.com/products/servers/management/spp/. For more documentation
about the product, see the SPP documentation page at: http://www.hp.com/go/spp/
Support for a rolling upgrade of a CMS federation
To decrease federation downtime, Matrix OE infrastructure orchestration 7.3.1 includes
support for a rolling upgrade of a federated CMS environment. A rolling upgrade
temporarily allows a federation containing CMSs running different versions of Matrix
OE during the upgrade process.
IMPORTANT: The primary CMS must be upgraded first.
During a rolling upgrade, a CMS running Matrix OE 7.3.1 supports basic operations
against a secondary CMS running 7.3. Not all 7.3.1 features are expected to work
against a 7.3 CMS.
The following operations are not supported on a primary CMS running Matrix OE
7.3.1 with secondary CMSs running 7.3:
Manual operating system provisioning of VM guests using resources discovered
on a secondary CMS
Provisioning a physical server group with auto-provisioned SPM volumes on a
secondary CMS
Changing the memory size or number of CPUs of an existing virtual machine
Some chargeback operations, including detection of changes made outside of
Matrix OE (and directly in VMware, Hyper-V, OA, and so on)