Server workflows for HP Matrix Operating Environment

ILOUser - This is the management console user credentials for HP servers not using Virtual Connect (servers using
Virtual Connect are managed by Matrix OE using Virtual Connect).
Figure 4: Configuring the system account
Figure 4 shows the use of OO Studio to create the ILOUser. The credentials are stored in an encrypted form within
Operations Orchestration.
Username and password are the server’s remote management interface user credentials.
The provided reference implementation mandates that this username and password be the same for all the
remote management stations of the same server type. If they need to be different (e.g., separate users per model
type, or even per individual server), the OO workflow logic will need to be modified accordingly to use the
appropriate credentials.
To add a workflow for an additional HP server type (e.g., for separate workflows for model type), create an
account as shown in Figure 4. Additional steps to add support for a new server type are covered in the
appropriate sections below.
Reference implementation and extensions
As mentioned earlier, there are four workflows which have been implemented for reference (and can be extended as
appropriate to meet the needs of a specific customer environment). This section provides details on each of the
workflows implemented in the reference implementation, and notes on how they can be used, and extended to
support additional environments.
Get Inventory
Description: The GetInventory workflow (shown in Figure 5) reads the server inventory information from a pre-
designated file and returns the list to ESA. The logical server management aspect of Matrix OE calls this workflow on
periodic basis to maintain an inventory of server information.
The server inventory file inventoryList.xml is located under the C:\Program Files\HP\Matrix infrastructure
orchestration\esa_extensions\server directory.
The file has the basic server information such as UUID and handle.
The workflow reads this file and sends the file contents back to ESA.