HP Storage Provisioning Manager (SPM) version 2.3 User Guide

1. In the Navigation tree, select Storage ServicesTemplates.
The Templates page appears in the content pane. Existing templates and their descriptions
are displayed.
2. Select the name of the template to view or edit.
The template information screen appears.
3. Review the details and requirements of the template by clicking on the tabs at the top: Overview,
Read-Only Requirements, Default Requirements, Requirement Types, Storage Services, Child
Templates, and Security.
4. If changes are required, click Template Actions then select the Edit Template option.
The Edit Template page appears.
5. Edit the template by clicking each tab and making the changes.
6. As each tab is completed, click Apply.
7. When all changes have been completed, click OK.
The template information screen appears.
8. To delete a template, click Template Actions then select the Delete Template option.
The Delete Template verification screen appears.
9. To confirm deletion, click Delete Template.
The Templates page appears.
10. If Delete Template was clicked by mistake, click Cancel.
The template information screen appears.
NOTE: The default Matrix template should be edited with caution; any changes made apply to
all Matrix storage provisioning involving manual specification of storage needs (for example,
manually defining a storage pool entry using SPM catalog storage, or manually specifying physical
storage information when defining a Matrix service). The default Matrix storage template should
not be deleted or the ability for Matrix to provision storage using SPM will be lost.
Managing templates 57