HP-UX Utilization Provider A. Data Sheet

refer to their attribute descriptions earlier in this
sint8 modifyWorkload(
[in] string newWorkloadName,
[in] sint64 newGUID,
[in] string WorkloadDescription,
[in] uint8 CriteriaType[],
[in] string CriteriaName[],
[in] string AlternateCriteriaName[],
[in] string SGPackageName);
Method that will modify a workload definition.
This method will use the workload name and
guid passed in as part of the key as 'old' values,
and the input parameters below will be 'new'
s. For more details about the values that
can be passed for these input parameters, refer
to their attribute descriptions earlier in this file.
CIMOperationFailedException can be thrown on
failure, or CIMAccessDeniedException if the user
has insufficient
sint8 stopWatchingWorkload();
Method that will cause the utilization provider to
stop watching a workload's utilization. The
historic data that was recorded for this process
group (up to seven days) will not be deleted
when this method is call
ed, but will over time be
cleaned up by the Utilization Provider.
CIMOperationFailedException can be thrown on
failure, or CIMAccessDeniedException if the user
has insufficient authority.
sint8 getDescription(
[out] string WorkloadDescription);
Method that will return the description for a
given workload. Note that the workload name is
extracted from the WorkloadName key value
and the DailyTimeStamp is ignored (as with the
getCurrentUtilization() method).
CIMOperationFailedException can be thrown
sint8 getSGPackageName(
[out] string SGPackageName);
Method that will return the Service Guard
package name for the workload. This method
allows consumers to access the SG package
name without getting an instance of historic
CIMOperationFailedException can be thrown on
Table 10 Standard intrinsic methods
This table describes the non-standard intrinsic methods supported by
Method Name
Supported By
modifyInstance None
All classes
enumerateInstances All classes
enumerateInstanceNames All classes