HP Virtualization Manager and HP Capacity Advisor: an introduction

The next step is to edit the forecast. By default, the forecast is generated directly from the his-
toric profile. The screen shown in Figure 18-8 is the default forecast for the workload. Notice that
this view is based on historic data but will not take data points that have been marked invalid
into account. In many cases, the forecasts require customizations such as incorporating expected
growth rates and usage patterns. The Capacity Planning forecast editor allows these types of
customizations and more to be performed in order to accurately reflect the nature of workloads.
Figure 18-9 shows the forecast editor in Capacity Advisor. The expected growth rate for CPU,
memory, network I/O, and disk I/O can all be specified using this interface. After specifying the
expected growth rates for the workload, what-if scenarios will properly account for the expected
growth rate for the workload; this will produce more-accurate planning. This example illus-
trates the use of linear growth rate, but compounding growth, also referred to as exponential
growth, can be modeled with the forecast editor.
chapter 18 Capacity Advisor
Figure 18-7 Capacity Advisor Historic Profile Editor