HP Virtualization Manager and HP Capacity Advisor: an introduction

The workload’s baseline can now be tailored using the Capacity Advisor Baseline Editor. The
screen shown in Figure 18-10 is the default baseline for the web workload. This baseline is derived
directly from the historic profile for the workload. If the historic profile accurately represents the
workload’s profile, then the default baseline may not need to be altered. However, in many cases,
the nature of the workload is best represented by customizing the baseline according to the busi-
ness function of the workload. For example, the web workload has a fairly regular usage pattern
throughout each day and each week. The same days of the week generally experience the same av-
erage workload, and throughout each day the usage pattern is quite regular. As a result, this base-
line will be tailored based on the workload’s known usage patterns.
chapter 18 Capacity Advisor
Figure 18-9 Capacity Advisor Forecast Editor